Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Hurricane in Siberia?

In conversation class today, our teacher notified us that metereologists are predicting hurricane force winds and a sharp decline in temperature on Friday. So far it has been hot and humid. It will be nice to have a change of pace. In any event, I need some justification for all the sweaters I packed.

As I write this message from the newly installed computer in my host family's apartment, I hear fireworks going off for "Russian Independence Day". In theory, everyone is supposed to have the day off tomorrow. However, as business persons intent on making a profit, my Russian mother and father will be working at their recently-opened magazine. I offered to help. We will see what happens. It is not worth making any plans here. Things just happen , and that's why it's so fun.

Classes are going well. I feel like I speak Russian worse and worse by the day. Someone once said that wisdom is realizing that you don't anything. If this is the case, I am growing wiser here in my little Siberian outpost.

Although Tomsk is quite small, I managed to get lost the other day. I approached a young woman on the street and asked for directions. She not only pointed me in the right direction, but accompanied home to make sure I made it safely. In my broken Russian, I explained that I was one of a group of American students studying Russian at TGU. She in turn told me that she was a professor of English at one of the local universities. I asked her whether she teaches British or American English - "serviette" or "napkin", "flat" or "apartment"? Such is the nature of small talk.... Having arrived at dom 29 ulitsa Gertsina, we parted ways. She did not ask me for my name or phone number, and seemed genuinely pleased to help me. A small gesture of kindness towards a stranger - perhaps something not terribly noteworthy, but a moment that will remain with me.

Warmest regards to all...


  1. Я знаю что очень легко заблудиться на новом месте, так что ничего страшного, с кем не бывает :)

  2. Hi Rowan! I am following your blog daily. Sounds like all is well so far. I hope that you are making it through the huuricane! Toni

  3. Rowan, don't ask for compliments - "my broken Russian"?

  4. Rowan, I don't want to depress/annoy you. However, I'd like to point out that this young lady now knows that you are an American studying abroad and she also knows your address. Please be more objective. Ask Alia, and she will tell you, Americans ARE NOT exactly loved. So please try to only go to some public location next time, from which walk home without strangers.
