Monday, June 15, 2009

Siberian Medicine

As mentioned earlier, I attended my first soccer match in Russia. Prior to the game, I stopped by my Russian mother's store in order to meet up with some friends. I felt fine, but Olga and her co-conspirator Natasha were convinced that I was coming down with a cold. They told me to sit down and wait, and then disappeared into a back room. I've found obedience to be an effective coping mechanism for life in Russia, so I sat down. After a few minutes marked by hushed whispers, they brought out a tea cup filled to the brim with some sort of hot drink and a lemon drenched in sugar. Natasha, who has a habit of calling me her "sun", ordered me to start drinking. I asked what they had prepared for me. They said "lekarstvo" (medicine). With two strong-willed Siberian mothers at hand, I had little choice but to coalesce. The medicine was delicious, interspersed with the bitter-sweet taste of lemon. I felt on top of the world, here amidst the flat expanse of taigai. Having drunk my fill, I posed the question again - "What am I drinking?" Smiling triumphantly, Olga and Natasha replied - "Cognac". Needless to say, the ensuing soccer match passed by awfully pleasantly.


  1. Hot tea with cognac. That sounds delightful.

    Alia said that once you come back you will stop this "soccer" silliness and start calling the sport its proper name: "Futbol"

    Keep up the good work of writing.

  2. I guess you drank to your own health ;)

  3. Rowan! That is incredibly funny!!!

    Russian medicine is the best, and it works, especially lekarstva involving active ingredients like cognac. The effect is proportionate to the percentage of alcohol.

    How wonderful that you have two nice women who care about your health! And call you "солнышко", too - that is so sweet!

    Get well! and please keep writing more- we love reading your stories
